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  • 1. (2021高二上·仁寿期中) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白的最佳选项。有两项为多余选项。
    How to bring nature to your school—in a big way!

    Interested in building a schoolyard habitat(栖息地)? 

    Gather a Team

    Students can do a lot on their own, but you'll need adults for a project this big. Get teachers, parents, and even the headmaster interested. They know more about your school's yard than anyone else and can give you lots of help.

    Which part of the schoolyard can you turn into a habitat? Is there an unused corner of the playground? You'll need to make a map of the area showing what's there now. Then you can figure out how you want to change it. For that, you need a plan.

    Plan a Habitat

    Food: Plant flowers, bushes, and trees. These provide food for birds, insects and small animals. Where possible, stick with native plants—wild plants that grow naturally in your area. They need less care, which means less work for you.

    Water: A small pond, birdbath, or even a shallow dish of clean water in the ground will attract birds. 

    Shelter: Bushes and trees make great escapes for birds. Tall grass and "weeds" are home to grasshoppers, garter snakes, and some ground-nesting birds.

    Places to Raise Young: Butterflies need special plants to lay their eggs on. Frogs lay eggs only in shallow water. Many birds use birdhouses; others nest in trees and bushes.

    A. Map Your Site

    B. Build Your Design

    C. Here's how to get started.

    D. So, set a date and get growing.

    E. Here's what you'll need to make your area attractive to wildlife.

    F. In fact, nearly all your shelters may become homes for wild young.

    G. Also, ask around your neighborhood or others willing to give advice.
