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  • 1. (2021八上·紫金期中) 配对阅读。左栏是五个人的情况介绍,右栏是某网站七个板块的简介,请为每个人选择其最感兴趣的板块。

    Mark wants to have fun with his friends but wouldn't like to spend money.

    Alice finds some parts of her body change. She is very worried.

    Li Ping is worried that he can't make lots of friends in the new school.

    Lin Hong has a problem. It seems that her parents always have different ideas from her.

    Peter's hobby is to see films. Now he wants to know about some new films.

    A. What are good friends like? True friendships can start right now but they take time to build. Here are some good examples.

    B. lf you are in a new school and want to make friends there, what will you do? Here are some suggestions.

    C. Get advice on the best entertainment and shopping for teens, such as places to go, movies to see and gifts to buy for teens.

    D. If your friends ask you to hang out, consider one of these fun, free activities. You needn't spend money if you don't want. Enter here to get help.

    E. What should you do if it feels like your parents don't "understand" you? Here are 4 suggestions.

    F. Looking for ways to make your money grow? Here, find out how to spend less money and still have fun, and how to hold onto the money you've got.

    G. During your early teen years, your body will change in ways you've never seen before. Get the facts about puberty(青春期)in girls and guys here.
