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  • 1. (2021七上·肇源期末) 任务型阅读

    Dear Li Ting,

    I know you are going to spend your summer holiday in Japan. Yesterday, I read a book about Japanese body language. Now let me share something with you.

    First, when people meet in Japan,they don't shake hands. They bow to each other. And look at the OK gesture(手势). For us, it means everything is OK or good. But it means money for the Japanese. When people in Japan want to say OK or something is good, they shape( 使成.为…样子) their arms above the head into a big "O".

    Lastly, this gesture means number nine in China, but it has the meaning of a thief(小偷) in Japan.

    That's all. And I hope you have a great holiday.


    Liu Hui .

    1. (1) Li Ting will go to for her holiday.
    2. (2) Liu Hui read about body language in a .
    3. (3) The Japanese usually to each other when they .
    4. (4) The OK gesture in Japan.
    5. (5) The Japanese above the head into a big "O"when they say OK or something is good.
