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  • 1. (2020八下·和平期末) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选岀最佳选项。

        When you travel in America, you should give some tips  (小费) for the service. But do you know who you tip and how1? The following may help you.

        For example, at a restaurant, always tip the waiter or waitress 2 15 percent and 20 percent of the total bill. If you are out for drinks with friends, make sure that you 3 cash for the waiters-usually $1 or $2 per drink is acceptable.

        If there's a restroom waiter, even if you don't need their 4with handing you a towel, tip 50 cents to $3. A coat waiter should 5 $1 per coat and a valet (贴 身仆人) should receive $2 to $ 5.

        At a hotel, 6 about $2 to $5 per day with a note. Even just a simple "Thank you, housekeeping" goes a long way. For all salons and barbershops, 15 percent to 20 percent of the bill is just 7.

        If you have a doorman, remember to tip $1 to $4 for carrying any luggage and $1 or $2 if he 8 a taxi for you. And then tip your 9 15 percent to 20 percent of the bill at once.

        Whatever you give, be sure to 10 a handwritten thank-you card for their service. And then make a note for yourself on who you tipped and how much.

    A . many B . much C . long D . far
    A . for B . since C . from D . between
    A . bring B . show C . go D . come
    A . day B . money C . help D . food
    A . make B . turn C . become D . get
    A . hold B . leave C . keep D . forget
    A . right B . full C . huge D . happy
    A . appears B . waits C . uses D . calls
    A . worker B . teacher C . driver D . farmer
    A . take B . buy C . sell D . send
