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  • 1. (2020八下·和平期末) 阅读理解

        Janie shakes her saving box. It is not heavy. She shakes it again. It makes a very little sound. She sighs  (叹息).How can she buy Dad a present? Father's Day is corning. She goes to talk to Mum.

        "Mum," says Janie, "I need money.

        "What do you need money for?" asks Mum. need to buy Dad a present for Father's Day."

        "I will not give you the money,n says Mum. "I will help you to earn (赚) it." "What do I have to do?" asks Janie.

        "You can help me," says Mum. "You can help with housework. I will make a list of jobs. When you do a job well, I will give you the money according to the list."

        "OK. That, s a good idea," says Janie.

        Mum quickly makes a housework list: sweeping the floor, $2; washing socks, $1; making the bed, $1; washing the dishes, $2; taking out the rubbish, $1; cutting the grass in the garden, $3; tidying the room, $3.

    After that, Janie helps with housework every day happily. "What a pleasant surprise my father will have when he gets the present!" Janie often thinks.

    1. (1) From Paragraph 1, we may know that __________.
      A . Janie is a quiet girl B . Janie doesn't look heavy C . Janie has little money in the saving box D . Janie has much money in the saving box
    2. (2) What does Janie want money for?
      A . She wants to save more money. B . She wants to buy a gift for her mother. C . She wants to get some books for herself. D . She wants to buy a present for her father.
    3. (3) How can Janie get the money?
      A . By doing housework. B . By asking Mum for it. C . By getting good grades. D . By borrowing some from friends
    4. (4) Janie can get     by making her room tidy.
      A . $0.5 B . $1 C . $2 D . $3
    5. (5) How will Janie's father feel when he gets the present?
      A . Bored. B . Surprised. C . Angry. D . Sad.
