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  • 1. (2021八下·北仑期中) 请阅读下面短文,从选项A-F中选出符合各段意思的小标题填入31-35小题的空格处。

    Sadness hits every person living on this planet. If you haven't yet experienced this emotion, then consider yourself a truly different person. Do you know what you should do when you are sad? Here are some suggestions for you.

    . You can write down your sad stories in your notebook or on your Weibo. If you're brave enough, make your Weibo public and let people read it. You can share your sadness with them, and you will feel better soon.

    . Not the sad type. Just listen to the type of music that can heal your soul and put you in a better mood. Lots of people agree that listening to music can make them forget sadness.

    . If you have a pet, it's a great idea to play with it! If not, then go to the local animal shelter and spend some time with those cute animals. Dogs especially make humans happy, so go ahead and play with them.

    . Finish all those chores you've been putting off for a while. Fix those broken windows. Go and buy some new bowl, plates, forks and other tools. These small things are just excuses to make you forget your sadness.

    . Volunteer at your local children's hospitals and old people's homes. If you can't help yourself, at least you can help someone who needs your help, right? Lots of people say that helping others can make them happy.

    A. Play with animals         B. Do chores

    C. Go for a walk             D. Help others

    E. Listen to music            F. Write
