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  • 1. (2021八下·未央期中) 阅读下面A、B、C三篇短文,从所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。

    Give Your Love

    10,000 Storybooks Needed

    If you have old storybooks at home and you have no places for them, you can give them away to Momo Bookstore. The bookstore is collecting(收集)10,000 storybooks from April 25 to May 28. The storybooks are going to be sent to schools in poor places. You will get a doll (玩具)gift if you give S storybooks or more,

    Your Money, Their Hospital

    Tzuchi is planning to build a new hospital in Sichuan that will give free medical treatment (治疗)to the Poor people there . By December 3l, you can help by sending money through the post office: No.:09887465,

    To: Tzuchi.

    We Need Your Time

    The Red Cross needs more volunteer workers to take care of the old. especially (尤其)on weekends. We have 500 old people, but only 30 workers. More are needed. Please call us:(030) 422-7896.

    1. (1) When should you send your storybooks to the bookstore if you want to give them away?
      A . Before April 25. B . From April 25 to May 28. C . After May 28. D . By December 31.
    2. (2) Why is Tzuchi planning to build a new hospital in Sichuan?
      A . To give free medical treatment to the poor people there B . To take care of the poor students in the schools there. C . To take care of the old people in the Red Cross. D . To help all the volunteers in the Red Cross.
    3. (3) We can know_______from the article.
      A . the Red Cross doesn't have enough workers B . the Red Cross doesn't have enough money C . the Red Cross doesn't have enough old people D . the Red Cross is free on weekends
