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  • 1. (2022五下·期末) 根据Passage Two的内容,选择正确的一项。在答题卡上把正确答案的字母代号涂黑。

    Passage Two Travelling Plan

    Day 1—Arrive(到达)in London. Meet your guide(导游)and check in(登记入住)at the hotel.

    Day 2—Begin the day with a visit to Windsor Castle-the queen and her royal(皇者的)family live there. Then move on to the London Eye,a new symbol of the city.

    Day 3—Visit the Thames River,and enjoy the river on the river side. You can also see the Big Ben and the London Tower. Do some shopping in the afternoon along the Region Street the famous business area(商业区)of London.

    Day 4—Visit the Great Britain Museum,you can learn a lot of history and the culture there.

    Day 5—Take the train to Cambridge(剑桥)and check in at the hotel.

    Day 6—Visit the world-famous Cambridge University,walk around the King College

    (国王学院)and go boating on the River Cam(剑河)to see many famous bridges and the whole camps.

    Day 7—Go to the London Heath row International Airport(伦敦希思罗国际机场)and take the plane back to Shanghai.

    1. (1) How many days are there in London according to the travelling plan?
      A . Four days. B . Seven days. C . Six days.
    2. (2) What will not the tourists(游客)visit in London?
      A . The war ships. B . The Thames river. C . The Big Ben.
    3. (3) How do we go to Cambridge?
      A . By plane. B . By bus. C . By train.
    4. (4) What university is the world famous university in this passage?
      A . London University. B . Beijing Universality. C . Cambridge University.
    5. (5) _______ is the new symbol of London City.
      A . Windsor Castle. B . The London Eye. C . London Bridge.
    6. (6) How do we go back to Shanghai from Cambridge?
      A . Take a train. B . By boat. C . By plane.
    7. (7) Where can we learn a lot of history and culture from?
      A . Region Street. B . The London Eye. C . The Great Britain Museum.
