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        Switzerland (瑞士) is a very beautiful place. And the Swiss government has come up with some strange rules.

        Is it exciting to have a goldfish as a pet? It is easy to take care of and makes your life interesting. But hold on, you may make a big mistake if you live in Switzerland. It is not allowed to keep only one goldfish, according to the country's law (法律). Why? Fish are social animals. In the sea they swim in groups. The Swiss government believes it is very bad to make them live alone. So keeping only one goldfish has not been allowed since 2008. And this rule is not just used for goldfish. Other social animals, like guinea pigs (豚鼠) and budgerigars (虎皮鹦鹉), are also the same.

        Dog lovers have to take courses before they can own one—and then have practical training. If you just want a cat, you must let it outside so it can see other cats. If it's going to be kept indoors, then you've got to get two.

        Are you planning to buy a parrot and keep it alone at home for fun? Forget about it in Switzerland. It'll be considered abuse (虐待) unless you can get it a friend to talk to.

        One thing's for sure, these rules will certainly make most British feel sorry about their pet-owning habits.

    1. (1) What law is it for keeping goldfish in Switzerland?
      A . Every family should keep goldfish in the house. B . You can keep only one goldfish at home. C . No one should keep goldfish as their pets. D . You have to keep at least two goldfish if you want to keep goldfish.
    2. (2) According to Switzerland's law, what kind of animals are guinea pigs?
      A . Endangered animals. B . Dangerous animals. C . Social animals. D . Helpful animals.
    3. (3) What does a dog lover have to do first before keeping a dog in Switzerland?
      A . To offer personal information. B . To have a health check-up. C . To ask for a license. D . To have practical training.
    4. (4) As for British animal lovers, we can infer from the passage that __________.
      A . most British don't like keeping pets at home B . most British's pet-owning habits are opposite to the law C . most British often take their pets to the public D . most British don't communicate with their pets
    5. (5) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . Animal laws in Switzerland B . A special way of keeping pets in Switzerland C . Animals in Switzerland D . How to keep pets in Switzerland
