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  • 1. 任务型阅读

        There are many courses, both online and off, which can show you how to increase the speed of reading, but there are several things that you can do to increase the speed at which you read without spending any money. Improving your reading can also lead to better understanding of what you read, although some say that reading too quickly will cut down the amount that you will actually take in.

        Reading is something that we all have to be able to do in our daily lives and there are some simple things that we can do to make our reading easier. Understanding should also improve as the following tips not only allow for better reading but a better understanding of what you read.

        Do your reading somewhere that you find comfortable and with as few distractions (使人分心的事物) as possible. Reading at home may not be possible because family chores will keep troubling you. The town library is a quiet place to read if you cannot find the peace that you need at home.

        Try and read when your mind is most acceptable. Most of the people read better in the morning after having a good night's sleep as the body is more rested at this time of day. You may need to experiment a little to find out at what time reading is the best for you as we all have our own more favourable conditions.

        Reading in a dim room and at uncomfortable angles (角度) is not good for reading speed or comprehension. Turn a light on and improve your posture (姿势) for more comfortable reading. Tests show that having whatever you are reading at about forty-five degrees is best for most。

        This advice is pretty much common sense but does show you how to increase the speed of reading/ and comprehension by following some basic concepts (概念).

    1. (1) Can we do anything to increase reading speed without spending any money?
    2. (2) Where can we find a quiet place for reading if our home is not suitable?
    3. (3) How can we find out the best time for doing reading?
    4. (4) At what angle can we do our reading best?
    5. (5) What is the passage mainly about?
