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  • 1. (2022·白山模拟) 阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    A series of massive thunder storms hit our area recently, causing flash flooding and knocking down tree branches and even trees. I had spent the afternoon picking up branches out of my yard and throwing them away. Then just before I was getting ready to take my dogs for their last walk of the day, the warnings came on my television and over my phone that another of these storms was heading our way.

    I quickly took my dogs outside. Huge clouds were rolling in while thunder boomed over the hills. I knew that the stars were shining but I certainly couldn't see them. The darkness seemed darker and scarier than usual because I knew what was on the way. That was when I saw it. The tiniest blink(闪亮)of light, up high, at the far end of the grassland behind my house. I smiled. The first of the fireflies had appeared for the summer at just the time I needed to see his light. Soon a few others were blinking their lights as well. It amazed me how far their light traveled in the darkness of the night and how they didn't seem bothered at all by the approaching storm. I spent an extra few minutes watching my lightening bug friends and taking in their message of light before heading in to get ready for the storm. As I did, though, I noticed that the darkness no longer seemed so scary and that my fear had been replaced with joy.

    Life does have its share of storms, some caused by nature and some caused by us. We can't go through life being scared of them, however. Take a lesson from the fireflies then. Let your light shine. It may seem tiny but you will be amazed at how far it can be seen and how easily it can drive the dark away.

    1. (1) What happened when the author was about to walk the dog?
      A . His house was heavily damaged. B . He was encouraged to pick up the branches. C . He was broadcasting a bad weather warning. D . Another big storm was broadcasted to be on its way.
    2. (2) Which of the following can best describe the huge clouds?
      A . Normal. B . Frightening. C . Pale. D . High.
    3. (3) Why did the author smile when he saw the tiniest blink of light?
      A . There would be no storm at all. B . He could then walk his dog easier. C . He found great hope from the dark. D . He wasn't afraid of being lost then.
    4. (4) What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
      A . We should always give off light when in trouble. B . Small light in life won't help much in our life. C . Some great troubles won't be easily dealt with. D . We should avoid being disturbed by trouble.
