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  • 1. (2022·沈阳模拟) 阅读理解

    I started the latest round of the NtriFit programme weeks ago. We take about 45 minutes to go through participants' health records, previous diets, expectations, and levels of willingness to change to customize(定制)the programme to meet each individual's needs.

    I was shocked by one thing. When it comes to weight-loss goals, I usually ask, "When was the last time you were happy with your body?" The reply usually relates to pre-wedding, pre-kids, pre-college-the usual suspects. However this time, almost everyone said, Of course, I wasn't happy with it then, but I'd be happy with it now!"

    It made me stop to think. For most of us, no matter how much we don't really like the body shape, there will likely be a point in the future when we would kill for the body we currently have. I don't mean to upset anyone from improving their health right now. But maybe we need to stop and smell the roses. We should be happy and grateful for our bodies exactly as they are.

    That's why NutriFit has changed into something much more holistic(整体的). Now we have every shape and size taking part, but the goals are so much bigger: disease prevention, more energy and charity better immunity, ell-balanced hormones. the list goes on. Yes, we get great body part results but you are about so much more than what your body looks like.

    In my opinion, the key rule of a successful nutrition programme is to be based on real food. If you focus more on balanced diets and less on weight, it becomes a mentally healthier process. If you're going to maintain your new, healthy lifestyle, it needs to be something you actively enjoy a lifestyle hat you want to maintain. If you eat healthily because you want to rather than you have to, life gets 1,000 percent easier.

    1. (1) What did the author do to customize the programme for individuals?
      A . Analyze and adjust participants' dietary structure. B . Examine participants' physical health condition. C . Make clear of people's health history and plans. D . Introduce the programme in detail.
    2. (2) What made the author shocked?
      A . People's discontent with their previous life. B . People's optimism about their current body C . Peoples satisfaction with their former body. D . People's ambitious goals of losing weight,
    3. (3) What does NuriFitpay attention to now?
      A . People s image. B . People's health C . People's weight D . People's appearance
    4. (4) What should a successful nutrition programme focus on in the author's view?
      A . A healthy lifestyle. B . A sound exercise plan C . Enough nutritious food D . Weight loss.
