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  • 1. (2021高二下·温州期末) 阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。

    Ralphie was getting bored in his geography class. Mr. Hudson displayed a map of Europe up on the whiteboard, and asked someone to turn off the lights so they could see it better. "I'll do it," said Ralphie, and he put a paper spitball into a straw(吸管)quickly and blew it at the light switch. It missed, and landed in Mira's hair instead. Mira screamed in disgust. The other students burst into laughter. Mr. Hudson was annoyed.

    "Detention(留堂), Ralph. " He wrote up a pink detention paper and slapped(拍)it on the boy's desk. Then he continued with his lesson.

    "I was only trying to turn off the lights!" Ralphie protested. The teacher did not want to hear it.

    "See you after school. Don't be late. "

    Math class was next. Ralphie was pretty good at math, so he started to cheer up. He had done his homework, so when Mrs. Addison asked for a student to solve a problem at the blackboard, Ralphie didn't hesitate.

    He jumped out of his seat and announced in a loud voice, "I volunteer as Tribute!" His friends burst out laughing. Mrs. Addison looked at him strictly over the tops of her glasses. Uh-oh, thought Ralphie.

    "We do not yell in math class, Ralph. Not another sound out of you, young man." She turned back to the board.

    "It's from The Hunger Games …" he tried to explain.

    "That's quite enough! Detention, Ralph." The math teacher reached for her pile of detention paper and wrote his name down. "After school. Don't be late. "

    "Oh man," murmured Ralphie. "How do I go to two detentions at the same time? "

    When the bell rang at the end of the day, Ralphie went to see Mr. Hudson first. The teacher told Ralphie to sit down. The boy did so, and folded his hands in his lap for a minute or two. Then he raised one and said, "Sir? Can I be excused to go to the washroom?" Mr. Hudson nodded.


    1)所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;



    4)续写完成后, 请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

    Paragraph 1:

    Once in the hallway, Ralphie raced over to Mrs. Addison's room.

    Paragraph 2:

    After washing his hands, Ralphie tried to open the door of the washroom, but found the lock was stuck.
