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  • 1. (2021七上·南山期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Long ago, Earth mother lived by herself. One day, she went to visit King of Sky. When she arrived, she1some noises. And the king said, "They are the season siblings (兄弟姐妹)—two girls and two boys."

    Earth mother said, "Send them to2.And they can live with me for a while." The king agreed.

    Earth mother returned home and started to3. The youngest — a beautiful boy — came4. He said, "My name is spring. Here is my gift. "He opened his bag and5some colourful flowers and birds. Soon the second came and gave some strawberries, peaches and apples to Earth mother. Then the third child6. He said, "I am autumn. I like being alone." He painted everywhere yellow. Just at that moment the fourth came. She used a glass of7water to paint everywhere white. At the same time, she shouted, "I am winter."

    All the four wanted to stay.8they began to fight. Earth mother was9and said, "Listen to me. You can come to my house in turn and stay in my house for10months. I don't want all of you here at the same time." Then came the four seasons in a year.

    A . made B . heard C . found
    A . me B . you C . them
    A . fight B . move C . wait
    A . again B . first C . late
    A . threw away B . put in C . took out
    A . answered B . arrived C . left
    A . white B . yellow C . green
    A . But B . Or C . So
    A . funny B . angry C . happy
    A . three B . four C . six
