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  • 1. (2021七上·罗湖期末) 下面的材料A~F分别是六个商店所售卖货品的信息。请根据五种动物的情况为其选择合适的商店购买相应的食物。

    A. Chunzi Fried Fish Shop: We specialize in (专营) selling all kinds of fried fish here.

    B. Maple Leaf Garden: We specialize in breeding bees here. Our honey is sweet and fresh.

    C. Xiaoqiang Manor: We have a lot of flowers and plants for sale here. Recently, some small green bamboos have been brought in.

    D. Xiao Ming seafood shop: We sell all kinds of fresh seafood, shells, crabs and fish here.

    E. Guangming Ranch: We have large grasslands and cows here. You can buy all kinds of dairy products (乳制品).

    F. Wholesale Meat Market: Here are the cheapest kinds of meat and cans.

    1. (1) Pandas are black and white. They like to eat bamboo and its leaves. If they don't get angry, they are as cute as Hello Kitty.
    2. (2) Dogs are the most loyal (忠诚的) family members of human beings. They like bones and meat. If they like you, their tails will wag(摇摆).
    3. (3) Pet cats are ladies in the animal kingdom. They are very gentle and like night activities. Milk and balls are their favorites.
    4. (4) Gyrfalcon (海东青) is a bird of prey in China. They are very strong and sharp. They like to cat fresh fish.
    5. (5) Bears like to eat honey. Many people do not move when they see them because they know bears are not interested in things that do not move.
