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  • 1. (2021八上·罗湖期末) 阅读理解

    A man cut a lot of firewood in the hills and put it on his cart. He was smoking his pipe on his way home.

    The sparks from the pipe set fire to the firewood. When he looked back, the man was shocked to find that the firewood was on fire. He jumped off the cart at once.

    "What can I do?" "the man asked himself. Just then, he saw a cup on the ground and picked it up. He quickly ran down the hill and soon came back with a cup of water. He poured the water on the fire.

    However, the fire was getting stronger and stronger. At last, all the firewood was burned out. The man was very sad. A passer-by heard his story and said, "How can you put out the fire with a cup of water? You were just making useless efforts. You should choose a right way to deal with a problem."

    1. (1) What does "it" refer to in the first sentence?
      A . Firewood. B . Hill. C . Cart. D . Pipe.
    2. (2) What caused the fire on the cart?
      A . The smoke. B . The pipe. C . The sparks. D . The firewood.
    3. (3) Why did the man run down the hill?
      A . To find a cup to drink water. B . To ask a pass-by for help. C . To keep himself away from the fire. D . To take some water to put out the fire.
    4. (4) What did the pass-by mean by his words?
      A . He could put out the fire with the water. B . The cup was useless for drinking water. C . The man should put out the fire in a right way. D . The man found a right way to deal with the fire.
    5. (5) What should be the best title for the story in Chinese?
      A . 水到渠成 B . 杯水车薪 C . 薪火相传 D . 水深火热
