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  • 1. (2022九下·吉林月考) 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Gary and Charlie lived in the same town. They studied in the same class. Gray was tall and strong and ran faster. He was one of the 1 in their school. But his friend Charlie was thin and spent 2time on sports. Gray was 3 in his lessons because he wasn't so 4 as Charlie. And Charlie often helped him with his lessons.

    The war 5 as soon as the two young men finished middle school. They both 6 the army and soon they were sent to the front (前线) . Now Gray often 7 Charlie. And the young man thanked his friend very much.

    The officer wanted to get the Germans' 8. He sent some soldiers to go to the enemy's rear area (敌后) . But they were captured (俘虏) . He had to send the second group, then the third. But they were all missing. 9 of the soldiers would do it. At last the officer 10 any soldier who could capture a German would be rewarded 200 dollars. Gray always 11 to get rich and asked to do it with Charlie. They walked 12 the forest, crossed the rivers and reached the village where the Germans stayed. They found there were the enemy soldiers everywhere. They had to stay in a broken house until 13 fell. But they were so tired that before long they were both 14. At midnight Gray heard some noise. He stood up at once and found there scares of Germans around the house. He woke Charlie up at once and said 15, "We'll soon get rich!"

    A . fighters B . policemen C . runners D . actors
    A . little B . a little C . few D . a few
    A . well B . good C . weak D . bad
    A . able B . polite C . friendly D . clever
    A . broke out B . hurried off C . found out D . put out
    A . went to B . escaped from C . joined D . took part in
    A . saved B . helped C . beat D . punished
    A . news B . newspapers C . books D . information
    A . All B . None C . Both D . Neither
    A . promised B . guessed C . thought D . ordered
    A . prepared B . planned C . advised D . hoped
    A . through B . across C . crossing D . past
    A . the sun B . the moon C . night D . dawn
    A . asleep B . alive C . alone D . afraid
    A . angrily B . excitedly C . carefully D . carelessly
