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  • 1. (2022九下·吉林月考) 语法填空

    Dear Mary,

    I've already gotten your e-mail. I'm very glad that you are interested in the cultural relics (文物) of China. Let me tell you something about it.

    If you want to learn about the cultural relics of our country, you may consider (visit) museums or reading books. Now there is a new way (learn) about the cultural relics. It is to watch a CCTV show (name) National Treasure. Do you want to know more about the new way?Just read on.

    National Treasure is a popular show Sunday. It has ten episodes(集). It shows twenty-seven treasures from nine museums across China. After it first showed on December 3, 2017,it soon became popular. Yu Lei,the (direct)of the show,said that it made national treasures come "alive".

      it's a show about old relics,it looks very new and modern. There is a large LED screen will show every detail(细节)of the treasures on the stage.

    The show tells the stories and history behind the treasures. It also invites famous actors to act out(this) stories on the stage. The actors even use modern words and sentences in their performances.

    A lot of people love the show and they are the fans of National Treasure. One of the fans said, "National Treasure really brings museums and cultural relics to people a modern and interesting way."

    So much for National Treasure. Let's talk about it face to face next time. I'm looking to seeing you soon.


    He Ting
