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  • 1. (2022九下·惠州月考) 短文填空

    Many scientists have made great contribution (贡献) to the development of our society. A Chinese scientist Yuan Longping (1930-2021) is one of them. He has saved many people in hunger. He is famous the father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻). His hybrid rice fed millions of people in hunger.

    Yuan was born on September 7th, 1930. After finishing his study in Southwest Agriculture (农业) college, he as a teacher at an agriculture school in Hunan. 

    Seeing people died of hunger when he was young, Yuan decided to find a way to more rice and fill people's bowls. In 1964, he found a natural rice plant by accident. In the past, the rice plants used to have low output (产量) and weak. But this plant was than others. Yuan was excited about he found. He then decided to study this special kind of plant.

    In 1973, he finally developed the first hybrid rice. This rice is strong and  output is much greater than common kinds of rice. Yuan helped China work a great wonder—feeding nearly one-fifth of the world's people with less than 9% of the world's farmland. He not only made a big difference to the lives of the Chinese people,  also many in other countries. To this day, hybrid rice has been grown in over 40 countries. 

    he was a famous scientist, he still thought he was just a farmer and lived a simple life. "I have two . One is to enjoy the cool under the tall rice, and the other is to grow hybrid rice across the world," Yuan said. And he worked until the end of his life to make his dreams come true.
