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  • 1. (2021六下·香洲期末) Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择最佳的答案。)

    Ken is from Canada. He works in Guangzhou. He likes Cantonese Opera(粤剧)very much. He wants to know more about the Chinese culture.

    Last Saturday, Ken watched a show in Zhuhai Opera House with his colleague(同事)Mike. He was so excited because the show was wonderful. Look! Here is his ticket(票).

    1. (1) Ken works in___________.
      A . Canada B . Zhuhai C . Guangzhou
    2. (2) Ken___________ in Zhuhai Opera House last Saturday.
      A . played the violin B . watched a show C . listened to music
    3. (3) Ken went to Zhuhai Opera House on___________.
      A . June 19th, 2020 B . July 19th, 2021 C . June 19th, 2021
    4. (4) Ken paid(花费)___________ for his ticket.
      A . 480 dollars B . 480 yuan C . 960 yuan
    5. (5) Ken was excited because___________.
      A . the show was wonderful B . the show started at eight in the morning C . he didn't have a ticket
