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  • 1. (2021八下·丽水期末) 阅读理解

    China Daily @ChinaDaily. Apr. 25,2021

    If you have an opportunity(机会) to come to China in the next five years, what would you like to do? We did a survey and here are the results.

    Business 31.2%           Study 15.6%

    Travel 44.5%             Others 8.7%


    Business! Business! Nothing but business!!!


    Research. There's a lot to discover in China, technology, food, culture. . .


    I would like to travel China for business and also for seeing the historical events there! I want to visit the universities, too!


    I fell in love with China during a short adventure there last year. I would love to live in China to work and travel throughout the country. I would like to study Chinese in China.

    Some say I am too old for any of this… but I don't care!

    1. (1) On which website can we most probably read this text?
      A . //www. i21st. cn/ B . //www. timesonline. coml C . //www. newyorker. com/ D . //www. chinadaily. com. cn/
    2. (2) According to the survey, most people coming to China will choose to_______.
      A . enjoy food B . do business C . study at school D . take a trip
    3. (3) According to the text, we know that
      A . Karen wants to study Chinese in China B . Osman wants to work in Chinese universities C . Walter would like to travel China for business D . Mina would like to come to China for an adventure
