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  • 1. (2021·青羊模拟) 完形填空


    A man and his wife moved into a new house. It 1 them nearly all their savings.

    "I can work hard and make more money so we can rebuild our savings," the man said. "I will work longer hours. 2, we can have enough money."

    "That's fine," his wife said. "Just don't forget that you have a wife at home who needs your 3 too."

    But as he worked more hours, he saw his wife less and less. 4 yet, they had a child.

    "I'll need to start traveling to other cities so I can make more sales and make more money. We can 5 a better education for our son and give him a better life," the man said.

    "That's fine," his wife said. "Just don't forget that you have a family at home that needs your care too."

    But as the man traveled, he hardly ever saw his family. 6, he became richer and richer. Then he began to miss his family very much. One day, he returned home but found 7 there.

    "I'm sorry," his wife wrote in a note she left 8. "We had to leave. You spent all of your time working 9 spending time with us. Your bank account(银行账户) may be full, but your home is now 10." The man felt very regretful and cried.

    A . spent B . cost C . paid
    A . In that case B . In total C . After all
    A . money B . business C . attention
    A . But B . And C . So
    A . attend B . admire C . afford
    A . Exactly B . Gradually C . Normally
    A . somebody B . everybody C . nobody
    A . for B . out C . behind
    A . besides B . instead of C . because of
    A . empty B . absent C . down
