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  • 1. (2022八下·东坡期中) 阅读理解

    I grew up in South Africa. Our family had no TV at that time, and we had a small radio that played my dad's favorite music. To get the news, we usually depended on the radio or the newspapers. But as kids, we were just interested in running around and climbing trees with friends.

    I was only 7 years old then, but I remembered it so clearly. My best friend and I were trying to climb over the school's wall to get a ball when we saw our neighbors all walking to the house that had the "big TV". So we followed them.

    Everybody in the house was in silence. All I remembered was the pictures of fallen buildings, explosions(爆炸)and smoke on the TV screen. My parents were already there. Although I couldn't understand what they were talking about clearly, I knew there was a terrorist attack(袭击)on America.

    My mother often taught us at home, and all our textbooks(教材) were from the US. So I knew American history and geography well. The news made me feel really shocked and remember the date--September 11, 2001.

    Life just went on, and we moved to America. I learned more about the attack in books and films later on. Even some of our history books have changed because of it. It's crazy to see such a thing with our eyes.

    1. (1) What did the writer love doing as a kid?
      A . Watching TV B . Playing with friends  C . Listening to music D . Do something crazy
    2. (2) How did the writer get the news about the attack?
      A . He heard it on the radio B . He learned about it on TV C . His neighbors told him D . He got it in newspaper.
    3. (3) Why does the writer remember the attack so clearly?
      A . He was much shocked by the news. B . His family often talked about it. C . He was old enough when he knew it. D . He often read it in history books.
    4. (4) What is crazy according to the writer?
      A . Seeing bad things in textbooks. B . Seeing a big event happen. C . Climbing over school's walls D . terrorist attack
    5. (5) What can we learn in the passage?
      A . The writer's parents were more surprised than him. B . The terrorist attack happened when the writer was 7 years old. C . The writer decided to move to Australia after the attack. D . The writer moved to America to learn more about the attack.
