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  • 1. (2022高三下·四川月考) 阅读理解

    This year, several young athletes have shone brightly at the Beijing Winter Olympics, giving us a glimpse of their generation's nature.

    Obviously, the young generation is filled with "brave warriors" who want to challenge impossibilities and push boundaries. Freestyle skier Gu Ailing is a good example. After she finished strong in the first two jumps in the women's free-ski Big Air event, it was certain that she could get a medal. But instead of taking heed of it , the 18-year-old skier pushed herself to the limit. On the last jump, Gu decided to attempt a difficult trick: a left double cork 1620 — four and a half rotations in the air — before landing". I have never done the 'left 16' before. I hadn't prepared much for it apart from two days on the air bag,"Gu told China Daily," but I felt it was a chance."

    But for these young athletes, the sport is never just about scores, but also about having as much fun as possible.

    Born in the US, Gu faced criticism and doubts for representing China in the Beijing Winter Olympics. When questioned by The Guardian, the girl said bluntly (直截了当地) she wasn't trying to make everyone happy. "I'm an 18-year-old girl out here living my best life. I'm having a great time."Gu said." It doesn't really matter if other people are happy or not, because I feel I' m doing my best and I'm enjoying the entire process."

    Gu's good friend, Chinese snowboarder Su Yiming also shares a similar attitude. He takes sports as a way to have fun. After he was judged to have lost the gold to Canadian athlete Max Parrot in the men's slopestyle final, the 17-year-old didn't feel upset. Instead, he was happy to have the chance to compete with his idol.

    "When I was on the podium (领奖台) hugging Max Parrot, it felt unreal," Su told China Daily." All I did today was enjoy the runs and concentrate on my tricks. As long as I am on my snowboard I am happy."

    1. (1) The phrase" taking heed of it "underlined in paragraph 2 can be replaced by       .
      A . playing it safe B . taking a risk C . avoiding mistakes D . taking part in it
    2. (2) What can we know about Gu Ailing according to the text?
      A . She didn't perform well. B . She is a post-00. C . She was an American. D . She isn't easy-going
    3. (3) Who got the gold medal in the men's slopestyle final?
      A . Not mentioned. B . Gu Ailing. C . Su Yiming. D . Max Parrot.
    4. (4) What does the reporter want to convey in this text?
      A . The young generation shares a similar attitude. B . Young athletes show the nature of the young generation. C . Young Chinese dare to push the limits but also enjoy their career. D . Young athletes have shone brightly at the Beijing Winter Olympics.
