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  • 1. (2022高三下·昆明月考) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    In our efforts to squeeze every second from the day, it seems contrary to common sense to simply watch a pot of coffee boil. But your brain uses breaks to help learning. One secret to achieving more:. To allow yourself to do nothing, start with something familiar.

    Take a solo walk

    . Being in nature has been linked to physical and mental health. But do not create a competition, which takes relaxation out of the activity. Some get crazy about taking 10,000 steps. It's good to go for a walk, but this isn't a job. Enjoy the walking itself, rather than the race.


    There are many ways for you to slow down, such as taking a shower. Asking yourself to slow down sometimes can be a stepping stone to relaxing yourself. An author once described how bird-watching became her favorite: Exhausted after pulling an all-nighter, I just stared out the window. "I burned out, and in that state of forced relaxation, I happened to notice the birds."

    Have a short sleep

    If you're struggling to get enough rest, try a short sleep. Simply find a chair and breathe. While sleeping, remember your brain never is. Rest is one of the most important ways to build deep understanding related to identity and purpose. .

    Cook a simple meal

    Italians call cooking the sweetness of doing nothing. It can be fascinating to create a feast to make the time worth it, but fight the urge. See the time as something other than the negative period after work. . Not only is the activity relaxing, but bonus points come when enjoying dishes.

    A. Stare out the window

    B. Enjoy a forced relaxation

    C. Finding time to do nothing

    D. Take it as a reason to persuade yourself

    E. It fails to relax oneself with others around

    F. Try simple recipes that require slow preparation

    G. Leave everything behind and absorb the scenery
