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  • 1. (2022高一下·深圳期中) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    It has long been believed that the smart phones in our pockets are actually making us duller,but now there is evidence for it.

    Researchers at the University of Texas discovered that people are worse at conducting tasks and remembering information if they have a smart phone within eye shot. In two experiments they found phones sitting on a desk or even in a pocket or handbag would distract users and lead to worse test scores even when it was set up not to disturb test subjects. The effect was measurable even when the phones were switched off, and was worse for those who were more dependent on their mobiles.

    The researchers tested 520 university students on their memory and intelligence when in the presence of a smart phone to see how it affected them. Participants were told to complete tests in mathematics, memory and reasoning with their smart phones either on their desk, in their bag or pockets,or in another room. Those who had their phones on the desk recorded a 10 percent lower score than those who left them in a different room on operational tasks, which measures working memory and focus. Those who kept their phones further out of sight in their pockets or their bags scored only slightly better than when phones were placed on desks.

    The researchers found that the negative effect of having a phone within eye shot was much greater among those who said they were dependent on their smart phones. Participants who had expressed sympathy with phrases such as "I would have trouble getting through a normal day without my cellphone" and "using my cellphone makes me feel happy" performed as well as others when their phone was in a different room,but worse when it was placed on their desk.

    The researchers said the effect arises because part of a smart phone users' mind is devoted to trying not to think about distractions such as whether they have any messages when the smart phone is in their sight.

    1. (1) For the people who scored the lowest, where did they put their cellphone?
      A . On the desk. B . In their bags. C . In their pockets. D . In a different room.
    2. (2) Which of the following will the researchers most probably agree with?
      A . People shouldn't have a smart phone. B . Phones wouldn't distract users when switched off.
      C . Those depending on mobiles are more likely to be distracted.
      D . Their research has completely changed people's view on smart phones.
    3. (3) According to the researchers, why did cellphones affect the participants?
      A . Using cellphones made them feel happy. B . They focused on trying not to think about distractions.
      C . They spent much time on the received messages. D . They could get through a day without cellphones.
    4. (4) Where does the text probably come from?
      A . Book review. B . A Science fiction. C . Cellphone advertisement. D . A news report.
