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  • 1. (2022八下·东阳期中) 根据短文内容和所绘中文提示,在空自处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词

    There are four people in my family and each of us has different hobbies. My father likes collecting (邮票) from all over the world. My father spends a lot of money on them because of them are(值钱的). my mother works in a bank and she likes collecting (硬币) and notes, like British pound and US (美元). I enjoy watching cartoons. My (最喜欢的) is the Monkey King. He is brave, smart and (幽默的). I often can't help (笑) when he fights against all kinds of monsters. My elder brother is interested in traveling. As a (结果),he often travels to other counties and he has a lot of (经验) in traveling. He often asks me to go out and enjoy different lives in different places. I think he is right. When I grow up, I will also go traveling to different places.

    Hobbies can give us (愉悦). What about your hobby? Can you tell me?
