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  • 1. (2022八下·东阳期中) 根据所给短文内容,在句子中填入正确的单词,每空不超过三词。

    There was a beautiful peacock out on a rainy day in the forest. He looked at himself in a puddle(水坑). He said, "How beautiful I am!" But when he heard his own voice, he became sad. It was rough (粗哑的). Then, he heard a nightingale sing in the trees.

    Listening to the nightingale's sweet voice, he began to cry. "Why don't I have such a beautiful voice?" At that moment, the goddess Juno appeared. She went to the peacock. "Why are you upset?" Juno asked. The peacock told her about his rough voice. "Why does the nightingale get such a beautiful voice? My voice sounds like rocks rolling over sand. "

    Juno petted the peacock. Then she said, "Every living thing is special in its own way. The nightingale has a beautiful voice, but you colors! The nightingale told me he wants to look like you. He is sad about his brown color. "

    The peacock stood up a little straighter. “Hmm, maybe you're right," he said. "I have the prettiest (羽毛) in the forest. The nightingale has the prettiest voice. We are both great in our own ways. "

    The peacock didn't worry about his voice any more. Instead, he remembered what made him special.

    1. (1) The peacock was sad because of his .
    2. (2) The nightingale has the voice in the forest.
    3. (3) The peacock became after listening to what Juno said.
    4. (4) The peacock with what the goddess Juno said.
    5. (5) From the story we may know everyone is in his own way.
