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  • 1. (2022八下·淮北期中) 完形填空

    As we know, talking and listening don't go well every time. Will parents believe your words and listen to your1?l think a lot depends on your parents. Some parents are easy to talk to. However, some are hard to talk to, But some2you, too.

    Since communication is a two-way street, the way of your talk can make a3to your parents' listening and understanding, Here is some advice when talking to parents:Be4. Talk about your ideas and feelings clearly. Try to5details(详情)to them. They can is ten better they understand your meanings.

    Be honest(诚实的)). I you're always honest, your parents will believe your words. If you are not honest,6they'll find it hard to trust you.

    Try to understand your parents' ides. If you disagree with your parents, can you understand their ideas? I you understand their ideas, they might understand yours7.

    Try not to8your parents. Try to be friendly. Sometimes this is hard for us when we're feeling9about something. Try to calm down(平静下来)and10with your parents. If you are sill angry, give it up

    A . activities B . messages C . opinions D . situations
    A . care for B . depend on C . think about D . take after
    A . plan B . wish C . matter D . difference
    A . clear
    B . clever C . quiet D . kind
    A . know B . discuss C . explain D . ask
    A . almost B . perhaps C . hardly D . never
    A . faster B . higher C . harder D . better
    A . argue with B . compare with C . play with D . talk with
    A . afraid B . angry C . comfortable D . enjoyable
    A . agree B . stay C . communicate D . share
