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  • 1. (2022·模拟) 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    The holiday season can bring much joy, but it can be a challenging time for keeping your health and fitness. Between the added pressure of social events and opportunities to overeat, it's all too easy for you to throw in the towel, resolving to get back on track in the new year.

    Keep a healthy mindset.

    This time of year is meant to be enjoyed, but too many of us lose sight of that and spend a lot of time beating ourselves up for celebrating. Enjoying seasonal treats is OK, so let go of those feelings of guilt. You know those cookies Mum baked with love?No need to deny yourself. You can eat one or two without eating a dozen. Remember, you are happily-not guiltily-making decisions.

    Stay satiated吃饱).

    Stay satiated so you don't arrive hungry at holiday events. If you've ever tried to grocery shop when you were hungry and ended up with lots of unhealthy snacks in your cart, you know why this is sound advice. If possible, eat a healthy meal before heading to a party.

    Keep stress in check.

    Whether it's the effects of shorter, darker days and increased schedule demands or family-related anxiety, the holidays can have a bad influence. Added stress can result in poor decision-making, stress eating and physical tension. Carve out a few minutes a day away for gratitude. As little as five minutes of this mindfulness practice each day can lower stress.

    Get enough sleep.

    Too often during the holidays, we spread ourselves thin keeping up with work and daily life responsibilities while also meeting the season's demands. It's important that you give your body and mind the time and rest needed to recover each night. To adequately process those holiday meals and avoid picking up a seasonal sickness, you need to prioritize rest.

    A. Remind yourself that you have control.

    B. Chances are that there are limited healthy options there.

    C. That's why it's important to practise self-care.

    D. There are many competitive people around you.

    E. Having a healthy mindset builds a positive body image.

    F. Not getting enough sleep can lead to weight gain and illness.

    G. With these tips, you can enjoy the season without harming your well-being.
