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  • 1. (2022高二下·泉州期中) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Slash (斜杠) Careers

    What is your job? Are you a teacher or a businessperson? Or maybe you are a lawyer/writer or a teacher/photographer.

    The term" slash career" comes from the punctuation mark (标识符)一 a slash that comes between job titles.

    People with slash careers often have a primary job that provides for most of their needs. The primary job usually comes before the slash. .

    Why would anyone want more than one job? Some people look to their jobs for opportunities to develop their interests. But most people have too many interests for one job. Secondary jobs can be enjoyable if they include interests that the primary job doesn't touch. Some people who encourage slash careers say they actually help with work-life balance.

    With a slash career, losing one's job does not mean losing one's entire income. Or a secondary job may be so successful that it can tum into one's primary job.

    On the other hand, a slash career can be dangerous for work-life balance. One might give up necessary things like relaxation, exercise or time with one's family. People with slash careers need to think carefully about how they use their time.

    In conclusion, if your interests stretch beyond your primary job or you need some extra income, a slash career may work for you.

    A. Slash careers also provide extra money.

    B. Slash careers also make one's life more meaningful.

    C. Working more than one job can fill up all of your time.

    D. If you have more than one job, you have a slash career.

    E. It shows the person is creative and willing to work hard.

    F. The job after the slash is often based on a person's interests.

    G. That's because they can give people some fun they need in life.
