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  • 1. (2022七下·江夏期中) 阅读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    My four-year-old daughter, Cindy, finds a small freckle (斑点) on her left hand. She doesn't like it and wants to clean it off.

    Then I say to her, "Oh dear, that's a beautiful mark (记号). Don't clean it off.

    She takes another look at it and says. "It's not a beautiful mark. I want it off, "she is so sad.

    "Each of us has special marks, dear. We can see some of them, but others are invisible. "

    "What kind of mark is invisible?" she asked.

    "Well. . . the mark of kindness, the mark of a loving heart. . . They are special marks and we can't see them. "

    "Why can't all my marks be invisible? Then I cannot see my freckle." she asks sadly.

    "Oh, dear, then it will be so bad! You see, you have these marks — the color of your eyes, the shape (形状) of your nose, the smile on your face and the small freckle on your hand. We can see them, right? They are special, too! If they are all invisible, then we don't know who you are. Only the special marks, inside and outside, can make the only beautiful you!"

    I don't know if she can really understand me, but she stops crying.

    In the afternoon, Cindy runs to her father happily and asks, "I have a beauty mark. Want to see it? "

    "Sure!" Her father smiles.

    "I didn't like it this morning, but now I do. " she says.

    1. (1) Cindy is not happy in the morning because      .
      A . she has many freckles on her face B . her mother doesn't like the freckle C . she doesn't like the freckle on her hand D . she can clean off the freckle on her hand
    2. (2) What does the word " invisible" mean in the passage?
      A . 听不见的 B . 看不见的 C . 闻不到的 D . 摸不着的
    3. (3) According to the passage,      is NOT the special mark of ours.
      A . the loving heart B . the smile on the face C . the color of the eyes D . the beautiful house
    4. (4) What can wen learn from the passage?
      A . Cindy can't understand her mother. B . Cindy accepts the freckle and loves it at last. C . Cindy's father also has a freckle. D . Cindy's mother helps her clean off the freckle at last.
    5. (5) The best title of the passage can be      .
      A . A Beautiful Mark B . Cindy's story C . Terrible Freckles D . Mother's Love
