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  • 1. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。

    A:Betty, you look pale(苍白的).Are you all right?

    B:A boy was riding his bike and listening to music.

    A:That's very dangerous.What were you doing at that time?

    B:When the lights were turning to red,a car appeared.It wasn't going fast,but it didn't stop.


    B:No.And the driver was talking oh his mobile phone.He didn't notice the boy.

    A:Did the car hit the boy?

    B: He just fell off his bike and hurt his knee.

    A:That's too bad.

    B:So when we're on the bike.we must be careful !


    B:Yes, you're right.And we shouldn't listen to music.

    A.We mustn't ride too fast.

    B.Did the boy stop?

    C.I was waiting to cross the road.

    D.Did the boy have a sore back?

    E.I'm OK, but I saw an accident.

    F.Yes.I'm glad to say he was not seriously hurt.

    G.I had dinner with my friend.
