There was once a king who had a great palace with a wonderful garden. In the garden, there lived all kinds of animals. All of them enjoyed living there.
There was only one thing in the garden that the king hated: an old tree in the center of the garden. It was so old and dry. This made the king so angry that he finally asked some people to cut it down and turned the place into a swimming pool. However, after the tree was cut down, the animals left the garden. Without the animals, the garden was not so beautiful as before. The king was sad, but he didn't know what had happened.
A young man went to the king, and said he could explain what had happened. "This was because you cut the old tree down," said the young man. "There were thousands of moths(飞蛾)which lived in the tree. Birds needed the moths to eat and then they produced wastes for plants to grow. The plants then attracted many other animals to your garden. So your garden became very beautiful. But as you cut the tree down, the animals had to leave."
"Excellent!" Said the king. "I'll make you rich and you will try to make my garden beautiful again."
"I'm afraid it will take many years to finish. It will take many years for the natural balance to get back again," said the young man.
The king was sad, but all he could do was just wait.