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  • 1. (2022·广汉模拟) 通读短文,理解其大意,然后从短文后面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入各小题空白处的最佳选项。

    Animals, especially cats and dogs, are often kept as pets. They can be very good friends of humans. Here1two stories about them.

    At Jesus College, Cambridge University, 600 teachers and students looked for a cat called Billy2for three weeks. They looked for him in their rooms and kept an eye3for him. The grey and white cat is a member of the college, and he even has dining rights (就餐权利). The head teacher asked anyone who might see the cat4the college.

    In Kentucky, a dog5Jupiter was hit by a car and was hurt seriously. His owner Steve Ford looked for him for a long time, but he couldn't find him6. Then Ford7the local animal hospital a call. Then he was8to find that Jupiter had already been in the hospital. "He just9himself, I guess" Ford said. "After the accident, he ran about a mile to the hospital.10, the car didn't hurt his bones (骨头)."

    A . is B . are C . were D . was
    A . carefully B . carelessly C . calmly D . angrily
    A . closed B . opened C . open D . close
    A . to call B . calling C . called D . calls
    A . names B . named C . naming D . name
    A . anywhere B . somewhere C . nowhere D . everywhere
    A . rang B . gave C . phoned D . made
    A . interested B . surprised C . worried D . shocked
    A . checked out B . checked in C . checked up D . checked by
    A . Luckily B . Actually C . Probably D . Finally
