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        Nina and Julia are two lovely girls.They are 14 years old and go to school in London.But they weren't at school last week—they were doing work experience.And this week they are back in the classroom.Now a school reporter is talking with them about their work.


    O:Where did you work?

    N:I worked in a restaurant.

    J:I worked for a TV company(公司).

    O:What did you do?

    N:I cleaned the tables and swept the floor and I also served the customers(顾客).I gave them their food and drinks and took the money.I started really early—at 6:00 a.m.The restaurant opened at 7:00 a.m.and closed at 6:00 p.m.I didn't stay until 6:00 p.m.一I finished work at 2:00p.m.The staff(全体员工)were friendly but we didn't have much time for talking.We were all really busy!

    J:I worked in an office of the TV company.I started at 10:00 a.m.and finished at 6:00 p.m.I helped my boss(领导)with different jobs.Sometimes he told me to answer the phone.Other times he asked me to use the computer to look for  information he needed.I was really busy all day!

    Q:Did you enjoy it?

    N:No.I didn't! I wanted to work in a restaurant because I like cooking.But I didn't do any cooking all week.I am very happy to go back to school.

    J:Yes,I did! The boss was kind and the staff were nice.I've really learned a lot from them.

    1. (1) 判断正误:Nina and Julia had a month at work.
    2. (2) 判断正误:One of Julia's jobs was to answer the phone for her boss.
    3. (3) 回答问题:Where did Nina work?
    4. (4) 回答问题:How long did Julia work a day?
    5. (5) What do we know about Nina and Julia?    
      A . They both love cooking. B . They are both from New York. C . Julia was busier than Nina at work. D . Julia enjoyed her work but Nina didn't.
