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  • 1. (2022高二下·浙江月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Traditional car-centered transport planning has not only increased greenhouse gas emissions, but also harmfully impacted air quality, road injuries and deaths, and traffic jams. As the world faces the climate crisis, as well as growing risks in road safety, a shift to sustainable transport is needed. Attaining and sustaining high rates of walking and cycling — also known as active mobility — are among the most powerful changes communities can make. It does bring numerous economic, environment, health and social benefits to the community.

    First, high rates of active mobility lead to greater connectivity, reduced traffic and parking jam, more reliable travel times and increased public transit ridership. Cities in Southeast Asia lose 2% to 5% of their annual GDP to traffic jam, with Manila in the Philippines suffering the worst loss at $67 million per day. Improving walking and cycling systems can help to lessen the financial loss associated with it.

    Second, active travel can help reduce emissions to achieve global targets. Cities contribute 70% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions and 21% of these come from urban transport alone. Shifting to walking and cycling is the quickest and most efficient way to minimize the carbon footprint of transport.

    Third, positive effects on public health are also abundant with safe walking and cycling systems. For example, the World Health Organization found that enhancing sustainable mobility in Accra, Ghana, could save up to 5,500 deaths and an additional 33,000 lives from increased physical activity over a 35-year period — and a saving of $15 billion in health care costs.

    Finally, traveling by foot or bike even improves justice and social unity. After Istanbul, Turkey, pedestrianized (步行化) its city, a survey showed that 68% of pedestrians interviewed felt more comfortable in the area. Many low-income populations also live with little transport access or unsafe and inconvenient routes to their destinations. Constructing safe active travel networks can improve access to opportunities and services for these disadvantaged groups.

    In conclusion, people's physical, mental, social and economic health benefit from the ability to walk or bike in safe environments.

    1. (1) What can we learn about the car-centered transport?
      A . It is known as active mobility. B . It can have a harmful impact on air quality. C . It can bring numerous social benefits to the community. D . It is among the most powerful changes communities can make.
    2. (2) Which is a benefit of active mobility?
      A . Avoiding the heath care costs. B . Solving some traffic problems. C . Increasing the greenhouse gas emissions. D . Improving access for the advantaged groups.
    3. (3) What's the author's purpose in writing the passage?
      A . To introduce the benefits of walking and cycling. B . To urge people to walk and cycle as much as possible. C . To show ways of developing the habit of walking and cycling. D . To explain the consequences of traditional car-centered transport.
