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  • 1. (2022高二下·浙江月考) 阅读下面短文,根据情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

    As mountains go, 1,642-foot Squaw Peak isn't particularly impressive. But its inviting views of western Massachusetts have tricked hikers into becoming pleased among its steep, slippery cliffs, resulting in countless injuries and even deaths.

    Henry Grant, aged 18, a freshman at Ithaca College, respected Squaw Peak's record. As such, he stayed a good ten feet from the edge while waiting for his mother to catch up to him one day in August 2019. He watched 15 or so other hikers enjoy the views; one hiker, around 60 and dressed in pink, was peeking (瞥见) over the lip of the cliff with her husband.

    When Grant's mother rejoined him, the two turned to continue on their way. Suddenly, he heard a "tumbling, a thump, and another thump," he told the Cornell Daily Sun. Then he heard something chilling: "Paula! Paula!" a man yelled desperately. Grant wheeled around. The woman in pink was nowhere to be seen. She'd fallen off the side of the mountain.

    Several hikers immediately started looking for her, but their view was blocked by trees. Grant told his mother, "I hate to say this, but they're probably going to find a body."

    Uncertain they could help, Grant and his mother headed down the trail (小道). But when he saw hikers still searching, he decided to lend a hand. "My young brain was like, ‘I can do it,'" he says. After assuring his mother that he would be safe, he followed the trail alone, hoping he wasn't too late.

    After 15 minutes of climbing over rocks, pushing past stinging brush, and slipping down pieces of loose dirt, Grant spotted a figure about 25 feet above him. She was dressed in pink and crumpled (摺皱的) in a kneeling position on a small rocky outcropping (露出地面的岩层). The woman had fallen about 75 feet. Unbelievably she was alive.

    "Paula!" Grant shouted. "Paula. Is that you?" Barely responded, she was clearly hurt.





    She kept trying to move, and every time she moved, she slipped a little more.

    Soon first hikers arrived on the top of the mountain and a helicopter came.
