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  • 1. (2022高二下·临潼月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。

    Sea life near Turkey is being threatened by a layer of brown foam on the ocean s surface.

    The actual name for the foam is mucilage (黏液). Scientists first noticed and described mucilage in 2007, when it was found near Turkey. Then, it was also found in other parts of the Aegean Sea, near Greece.

    This year's outbreak of mucilage is the worst ever recorded. It's been developing for seven months and is now covering large parts of the Sea of Marmara. The Sea of Marmara is an "inland sea", surrounded by land belonging to Turkey, and connected to the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea.

    There are many different kinds of algae (海藻), and it's natural and normal for algae to grow in the ocean or in other bodies of water. But when there is lots of food for the algae, and other conditions are just right, there can be "an algae bloom" which results in algae growing quickly and in huge numbers And in very bad situations, mucilage is the result.

    There are two main causes for the present outbreak of mucilage. One is the heavy pollution sewage, fertilizers, and other chemicals- flowing into the Sea of Marmara. The second cause is higher water temperatures because of climate change.

    The mucilage causes problems in lots of different ways. For one thing, by covering the ocean's surface, it stops sunlight from reaching all the sea life below. "This mucilage is now covering the sea surface like a tent canvas," says Muharrem Balci, who teaches biology at Istanbul University. Because there is so much algae, it takes up lots of oxygen from the seawater. That means that there's very little oxygen left for the other sea creatures that depend on it. The BBC reports that divers in the area are seeing large numbers of dying fish. After a while, the mucilage falls to the bottom of the ocean, where it covers the sea floor threatening to poison creatures that live there, like crabs and mussels. This year, the mucilage has been found as deep as 30 meters below the surface.

    1. (1) What do we know about mucilage?
      A . It generally doesn't last long. B . It had never existed before 2007. C . It is mainly formed in inland seas. D . It was first noticed near Turkey.
    2. (2) What does the underlined part "an algae bloom" in paragraph 4 refer to?
      A . A good harvest of algae.   B . The increasing use of algae. C . The explosive growth of algae.   D . A continuing popularity of algae.
    3. (3) What can be inferred about mucilage from the last paragraph?
      A . It can greatly threaten sea life. B . It has drawn attention worldwide. C . It will lead to food shortages for humans. D . It benefits some sea creatures but harms others.
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . New kinds of algae are found in Turkey B . Turkey's coastal waters are covered with mucilage C . Marmara has seen an increase in water temperatures D . Endangered sea creatures in Marmara have been protected
