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  • 1. (2022七下·兴化月考) 阅读理解

    A little snail(蜗牛)felt tired from carrying his shell(壳) all day. He asked his mother, “Mum, why do we have to carry our shells?" His mother told him, “Because we don't have any bones in our body. We can only crawl(爬). The hard shell not only helps us move faster, but also protects us."

    The little snail was still puzzled. “Caterpillars(蝴蝶的幼虫) don't have bones, either. They can't even crawl. But they don't need to carry heavy shells."

    “How about earthworms(蚯蚓)? They don't have bones, they don't crawl fast and they don't turn into butterflies. And they needn't carry heavy shells. "The mother told him. “Earthworms live underground and the land protect them."

    Hearing this, the little snail started to cry. The mother snail comforted(安慰) him. That's why we have shells! We don't depend(依靠) on the sky. We don't depend on land. We depend on ourselves."

    1. (1) The little snail carried his shell all day and he felt ___________.
      A . healthy B . young C . tired D . rich
    2. (2) The snail had to carry the shell because ____________.
      A . he can crawl B . The shell is heavy C . the shell is helpful D . he wants to fly
    3. (3) What does “puzzled" probably mean in Chinese?
      A . 悲伤的 B . 困惑不解的 C . 犹豫不决的 D . 烦恼的
    4. (4) After talking with his mother, maybe the little snail will __________.
      A . be happy with his shell B . break his shell C . buy a new shell D . hate his shell
    5. (5) What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?
      A . The mother is the only person that we can believe. B . We must depend on the sky and the land. C . We can always depend on our mother. D . We must depend on ourselves.
