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  • 1. (2022高二下·常州月考) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Art is all around us. It can be found everywhere, including fancy galleries, people's living rooms, and on the sides of buildings. So, why is art important?

    It promotes expression and creativity. As humans, we're naturally drawn to art as a form of expression and communication. It's a way for them to express themselves before they're able to speak. In fact, participation in the arts may even assist kids with language, motor skills, and visual learning development.

    . When someone applies for a job, there are certain skills they need to have like data analysis or bookkeeping. However, many employers also understand the very important need for the skills which are hard to measure and often difficult to define. Some examples include a person's ability to adapt to change, think creatively, or collaborate with team members.

    It provides historical context. . This is why people dedicate their lives to studying cave art, Shakespearean plays, and so much more. When we take the time to dive into art created in the past, we can learn about other generations and eras. We can study art to find out what those before us were facing and how they overcame it. .

    In therapy (疗法) settings, art also provides an opportunity for digging deeper and expressing emotions that are difficult to discuss. . In one important study, children between 6 and 12 were asked to draw a house as a distraction after thinking about something upsetting. This group was able to improve their mood when compared with children who were instructed to draw the negative event or simply copy another drawing.

    A. These are its major benefits.

    B. Children love to draw, sing, and dance.

    C. It helps all of us develop necessary soft skills.

    D. How does it have an impact on our life?

    E. Similarly, future generations will learn about our current events by the art we leave behind.

    F. Art and human history go hand-in-hand.

    G. It can help people lift their spirits.
