How often do you eat chocolate? If you answered "every day", you may be addicted to choco- late.
Eating too much chocolate is often thought to be the cause of tooth decay, weight gain, head- aches, and skin problems such as acne (粉刺). Eating chocolate releases a distinctive flavor that gives us a pleasant, positive feeling. What is it that causes this feeling?
Chocolate contains over three hundred known chemicals. Like a drug, these chemicals stimulate areas of the brain that enables us to feel pleasure. The most well known chemical is caffeine, which is also found in coffee, tea, and some types of soda.
The popular opinion of chocolate is that it is a fattening food that gives you spots, and contains no nutritional qualities. The fact is, chocolate does contain saturated fat. . On the other hand, scientists at the university of California have discovered that chocolate also contains high level of chemicals called phenolics (酚化物), also found in red wine, coffee, and tea. Some phenolics, if consumed in small amounts, are believed to lower the risk of heart disease.
Consumption of cocoa around the world now amounts to almost three million tons a year. That is equivalent to 500 grams of cocoa for every person on earth! .
A. However, does eating too much chocolate cause any real health risks?
B. No one has ever died of eating too much chocolate, so this is one addiction that might be okay to have.
C. This type of fat can contribute to heart disease by increasing levels of bad cholesterol (胆固醇) in the blood.
D. But is this addiction damaging your health?
E. On the other hand, chocolate is known to make people feel happier.
F. Chocolate contains chemicals that slow the brain.
G. The cocoa butter in chocolate forms a coating over teeth that may help to protect our teeth.