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    Nov. 21 is World Hello Day. It began back in the 1970s as part of an effort to make the world more peaceful. It was created by the United Nations just after the war between Israel and Egypt in 1973. The philosophy (理念) behind it is saying "Hello and stop war. "

    It sounds like a fine idea, but most of us know that simply saying "Hello" won't bring about world peace. Still, on a smaller range, the simple act of saying hello to someone can make a lot of difference.

    This might not be obvious. After all, it's such a casual thing and requires so little effort. You raise your head to someone as you pass by them in the school corridor (走廊), say "Hello", then it's over.

    Although we might not realize it, a small thing like a greeting can mean a lot to a person. Many people are lonely because they're shy. They find it difficult to communicate with people, even though they want to. It leads to them feeling cut off.

    On this basis, maybe it's a good idea, not just on Nov. 21, but every day, to remember to say "Hello" to as many people as we can. The stranger who hears your greeting may secretly smile in their heart. You might even make their day.

    Greeting other people is the easiest way to be polite. Politeness is the way we individual humans link up with the rest of the human world outside of our circles of family and friends. Politeness is one of the aspects of culture that make us a society rather than just many individuals living in the same space.

    No one said it better than the French author Joseph Joubert, "Politeness is the flower of humanity. " A "Hello" to a stranger is a small thing, and often neglected (忽视), but through it we can make the world better for another person.

    1. (1) What is World Hello Day intended for?
      A . Philosophy. B . Peace.   C . Politeness. D . War.
    2. (2) Which of the following has an effect on people?
      A . Raising heads to others. B . Doing something casually. C . Meeting in the school corridor. D . The simple act of saying hello.
    3. (3) Why does someone feel lonely?
      A . They are unwilling to communicate with others. B . They are too shy to communicate with others. C . They are very fond of living alone. D . They don't like doing things as others do.
    4. (4) What can we learn from the last paragraph?
      A . We should neglect a small thing. B . Saying hello to others is powerful. C . The flowers make the world better. D . No one is better than Joseph Joubert.
