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  • 1. (2021四下·青白江期末) 阅读短文,根据内容选择正确答案

    It was cold yesterday. Tom didn't go out. He did housework. Sam went to play football. And he had a cold. He fell ill (病了) today. He's got a fever. Lily phoned him. She will come to see Sam. Sam's mother cooked lunch. They had noodles and eggs for lunch. Then Sam went to the doctor with his father. Sam drank lots of hot water. It's good for him.

    1. (1) Tom was ________ yesterday.
      A . out B . at home C . at school
    2. (2) Sam _________.
      A . did housework B . cooked lunch C . played football
    3. (3) _____was ill today.
      A . Tom B . Sam C . Lily
    4. (4) Lily _________ to see Sam.
      A . came B . comes C . is going to come
    5. (5) ___________ is (are) good for Sam.
      A . Hot water B . Eggs C . Noodles
