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  • 1. (2022高一下·龙江月考) 阅读理解

    The term "social distancing" has been at the center of public conversation for a while. But it's not "social" distance we are trying to promote. It's physical separation. In fact, preserving social ties— even at a distance— is essential for both mental and physical health. The results of an analytic review done in 2019 indicate that a lack of social support is on apar with (与……不相上下) smoking cigarettes as a risk factor for health.

    Given this fact, how might we best stay connected to others while maintaining physical distance? Would we be better off e-mailing a friend? Making a phone call? Setting up a video chat? In our study, Nick Epley and I tested whether the media through which people interact affects their sense of connection— and how expectations about certain technologies impact the communication media they choose to use.

    In our experiment, we asked participants to reconnect with someone they hadn't interacted with recently, either through e-mail or over the phone. Participants first made predictions about what it would be like to get in touch if they reached out in these two ways. They generally believed that they'd feel more connected when interacting via the phone than over e-mail. But they also predicted that talking on the phone would be more uncomfortable than sending an e-mail. Although these participants believed that talking encouraged stronger bonds, most of them said they'd rather send an e-mail than call the person up. Fears about awkwardness, it seems, push individuals toward text-based methods for communicating.

    In the next part of the experiment, we had participants actually reconnect using one randomly determined mode of communication and then followed up with them after they had done so. We found that people do form meaningfully stronger bonds when interacting over the phone than over e-mail. Importantly, though, there was no difference in the amount of discomfort when reconnecting on the phone.

    The next time you think about how best to connect, consider calling or setting up a video chat. Feelings of social connection are preferably facilitated by voice rather than a keyboard.

    1. (1) How does the author support his view on the importance of maintaining social ties?
      A . By stating a deep-rooted tradition. B . By referring to a published report. C . By sharing public opinions. D . By presenting official documents.
    2. (2) What did the author and Epley's study focus on?
      A . How technologies impact means of communication. B . How social media choices affect feelings of connection. C . Why maintaining social separation is bad for mental health. D . Why reconnecting with friends over the phone brings awkwardness.
    3. (3) What can we infer from the study results?
      A . They changed the research objectives. B . They provided insights for further studies. C . They confirmed researchers' expectations. D . They contradicted participants' predictions partly.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . For stronger bonds, talk instead of typing. B . Keeping in touch is key to lasting friendship. C . Think before you consider contacting an old friend. D . Text-based methods for communication cause discomfort.
