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  • 1. (2022高二下·绵阳月考) 阅读理解

    It's the season for final exams! If ever there was a time to take advantage of all tools imaginable to help your students get the best grades possible, it is now. Fortunately, the app market has exploded with useful assistance, and here are some of the best apps I recommend to help your students study better and learn faster:

    iTunes U

    Apple's own iTunes U offers a popular app with free lectures and coursework from many of the best schools in the world. Even if you don't use it for your regular curriculum, you can still supplement with Stanford's impressive tools on topics such as coding iOS apps or Statistics 101. The best part? It's free! Well, if you have an iPhone that is enough, otherwise you'll have to keep reading.


    For best study results, Wunderlist will help your students with their time management skills. It can set due dates, reminders and to-do lists. The app is free. It works on both iOS and Android phones.


    This is an online education app that has partnerships with many top colleges and universities, including Ivy League schools. Students can sign up and study at their own pace to supplement their knowledge, because these schools offer both curriculum course study materials and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). It helps students aim for higher grades and perhaps some scholarship cash. The courses are very affordable, and the app can be downloaded on both iOS and Android phones.


    Evernote features bookmarking, composing, clipping and more, and is very popular as a note taking app. You can download it on multiple platforms, and it's all free. Don't miss out on this little helper to help your students learn faster and better.

    1. (1) Which app will help students manage their schedule?
      A . iTunes U. B .   Coursera. C . Wunderlist. D . Evernote.
    2. (2) What is special about Coursera?
      A . It can be used as a note taking app. B . The online curriculum course is very expensive. C . Students must learn the course at a fixed time. D . It cooperates with many famous universities.
    3. (3) What do the listed apps have in common?
      A . They help students improve learning efficiency. B . They help students get scholarships. C . They can be used on Android phones. D . They are free of charge.
