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  • 1. (2022高二下·海南期末) 阅读理解

    In June 2019, Steve Wilson was going on a bike ride. Like many of us often do, he checked his phone beforehand, and saw a moving post about his friend's daughter Linda." She was a junior in high school at the time; she just received a life-saving kidney(肾) from a woman in town," Wilson told CBS News." And they didn't even know this woman till they made the request for their daughter."

    "So, I became emotional. I just thought that is the coolest thing," said Wilson, who lives in Westchester, N.Y." I took a long bike ride and I kept thinking, 'I would love to do something like that one day."

    After seeing the post, Wilson selflessly decided to become a living donor himself, donating a kidney, while he was alive, to someone he didn't know.

    "I knew it would go to someone. It eventually went to someone across the country," Wilson said." They took my kidney to the airport and flew it out to the W est Coast." He said he sill doesn't know the person who received his kidney and he probably never will, which he's fine with. He just wanted it to change somebody, s life, he said.

    Going through an operation may seem frightening, but Wilson says all it takes is two weeks of one's life for recovery. And to prove that it isn't burdensome,Wilson and his fellow living donors finished an even harder mission: Conquering(征服) Mount Kilimanjaro.

    "I do think that having that purpose made it a little bit easier. But there were some people一and I was one of them- who really ploughed hard to get through. And the purpose behind it was the reason why you just kept going," Wilson said.

    The team reached the summit on March 10一symbolically, World Kidney Day. As for whether the climb to encourage living donations was worth it, Wilson said he inspired at least his friends to consider becoming living donors, but he thinks the Kilimanjaro summit could have inspired countless others.

    1. (1) What made Steve Wilson decide to donate his kidney?
      A . His past life experience. B . His friend's suggestions. C . A woman's selfless behavior. D . The request from Linda's parents.
    2. (2) Why did Steve Wilson choose to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?
      A . To break a record. B . To realize his dream. C . To inspire people to be living donors. D . To encourage people to try new things.
    3. (3) Which of the following can best describe Steve Wilson?
      A . Generous and caring. B . Smart and hardworking. C . Outgoing and humorous. D . Ambitious and adventurous.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . A Sick Girl and a Warm-hearted Woman B . A Kidney Donor and an Unknown Receiver C . Donating a Kidney After Climbing a Mountain D . Conquering a Mountain After Donating a Kidney
