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  • 1. (2022八下·湘桥期末) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Andrew was a smart boy. He likes doing things in a way that he thought to be clever. But sometimes he made wrong1.

    One day, his father gave him with some money and asked him to buy some goldfish. When he got to the market, he found that the killifish(端鱼)looked like small goldfish, and they were much2, so he bought some killifish and kept the rest of the money for himself.

    When he got home, his father3what Andrew did at once. He just put the fish in the tank. He thought his son might be talented in business4marketing(市场销售). And he should5a way to help his son grow well. He had an idea. Then he said to his son, "Andrew, do you know what you have bought? Are they goldfish?" Andrew felt shy and said in a(n)6voice, "Er, no, but. . . "his father continued, "Well, I'm happy to save money. I also know you are good at watching things around you. But you should do things honestly, or others won't7you. "Then he helped Andrew start with some chores(琐事), like buying daily things and helping his uncle in his store. Later, Andrew worked in a company. He felt himself strong in marketing and8working hard. Finally, he became a successful9.

    Several years later, he10his own company. When talking about the key to his success, he said, "Thanks to my father, I got to know myself well and developed in a right way."

    A . changes B . decisions C . progress D . differences
    A . cheaper B . more expensive C . uglier D . more beautiful
    A . refused B . forget C . remembered D . realized
    A . completely B . simply C . especially D . suddenly
    A . worry about B . care about C . think of D . hear of
    A . low B . high C . good D . angry
    A . help B . trust   C+ interview C . encourage
    A . continued B . compared C . competed D . considered
    A . postman B . fisherman C . sportsman D . businessman
    A . set up B . take up C . get up D . show up
