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  • 1. (2022高二上·浙江月考) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有 两项多余选项。

    Empathy (同理心), the ability to understand and co-experience the feelings and thoughts of other people, is probably one of the most important skills a person can have.

    Humans are social animals.

    There are very few activities that humans take part in that don't involve others. It allows you to perceive others' motives, treat them the way they want to be treated, understand how others perceive you, and so on.

    It lets you better understand non-verbal components of communication.

    People who are not empathetic have a hard time reading between the lines of conversations. They cannot understand that what the other person means to communicate is different from what they actually say.

    When you unconsciously perceive what the other party wants and needs and can understand exactly why they want it, reaching a" win-win "solution gets easier. You don't have to blindly search for a way out.

    It broadens your horizons.

    Seeing the world from other people's perspectives lets you perceive it to a fuller extent. When you are able to look at life from other people's point of view, you are able to live a more fulfilled life.

    Thus, achieving higher levels of empathy often means achieving greater fulfillment as human beings.

    A. It makes you better at handling conflicts.

    B. It helps you introduce your ideas to others.

    C. Empathy basically is what makes us human.

    D. Humans always live and work with each other.

    E. So why exactly is empathy so important for us?

    F. Communication is so much more than what words express.

    G. Therefore, the ability to better understand others and read their feelings is an advantage.
