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  • 1. (2022高一下·许昌期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It was the last day of school. The teacher walked around the class and1a report card to each student except me. There was everybody's2in the final exam. Then I was 3that I was failing because I couldn't4or write. My mom and I had a few 5about it but I thought would do my best to get a(n)6result. But I didn't' think I really 7the whole thing. I knew I was8of my dad and being9to read in front of the class; I knew I was the only one in our10that couldn't read and the only one in the class that didn't11the exam.

    I just somehow got it in my head that I thought I didn't need to12knowledge. I thought there was no use learning it.13, the lunch bell rang. My seat was next to the door, so I just 14out of the class room across the playground and field until my hands15the fence that surrounded our school. I burst into16as I silently yelled a thousand things at myself.

    I sat on the grass with my head in my knees. A couple of minutes later, I heard a rustle (沙沙声) of a lunch bag and looked up out of17, only to see a girl in my class standing over me, holding out my lunch. She18it next to me and then she sat down and didn't make a(n)19but just sat with me till the bell rang.

    Because of her20, was determined to work hard. Finally was admitted into a famous university.

    A . picked out B . put out C . handed out D . left out
    A . awards B . grades C . mistakes D . gifts
    A . unsurprised B . crazy C . proud D . aware
    A . read B . speak C . translate D . listen
    A . disagreements B . conversations C . dreams D . suggestions
    A . satisfying B . dramatic C . reasonable D . expected
    A . recognized B . understood C . valued D . ignored
    A . ashamed B . afraid C . proud D . confident
    A . praised B . begged C . guided D . called
    A . class B . community C . village D . family
    A . miss B . pass C . attend D . complete
    A . spread B . show C . gain D . exchange
    A . Immediately B . Suddenly C . Gradually D . Frequently
    A . rushed B . dropped C . jumped D . glanced
    A . touched B . built C . destroyed D . wiped
    A . shouts B . anger C . tears D . laughter
    A . fear B . curiosity C . control D . pain
    A . threw B . placed C . emptied D . enjoyed
    A . sound B . apology C . promise D . wish
    A . encouragement B . protection C . complaint D . company
